Food Banks Canada: Hunger Count 2018

The HungerCount presents results from an annual study of more than 4,000 food banks and other food programs in every province and territory. The research contains a number of policy recommendations that relate to specific priority issues, including northern food insecurity.

Food System Theme:

  • Consumption

Resource Theme:

  • Research

  • Policy


  • National

Host | Contact:

  • Food Banks Canada

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Entrepreneurship and Business Development (EBD)

The EBD fund provides financial support to Aboriginal entrepreneurs, businesses, and commercial entities to expand their business in the three territories.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

Government of Canada (CanNor, Yukon Region) | | 867-667-3263

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Effects of Thawing Permafrost on Agricultural Capacity

Identified challenges and barriers to agriculture, adaptive measures and best management practices and used this information to model areas prone to change in Dawson, Central Yukon, Haines Junction, and Whitehorse/Southern Lakes agricultural regions.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch) | | 867-667-5845

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Education, Group Facilitation and Research on Food Security and Growing Food in Soil

Heidi Marion is a consultant who works with community groups and agencies promoting good health by uniting people to share, learn, grow and eat. Heidi helps growers create soil conditions that allow our food plants and the animals that eat them to fulfill their -and our- potential for best possible health. Focus on soil life and turning organic waste into compost.

Food System Theme:

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture

Resource Theme:

  • Training


  • Community-Level

Host | Contact:

  • Heidi Marion | | 867-333-0843

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Documentary Film of Adaptation Planning, Shelter-Building, and Food Harvesting: A Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, Gwitchin, and Nisga’a Collaboration

This project employed video production and on-the-land teaching as two ways to keep traditional knowledge alive so that people can survive if floods, freeze-thaws, or other unexpected climate change-related events sever communities from access to purchased foods and materials. Documentary films were produced by students and a documentary film “Shelter, Food, and Wisdom” was completed as part of this research. Finally, an article titled ‘Moss Houses in the Circumpolar North: Architectural Traditions and Innovations That Respond to Climate Change’ was published. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Region-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Project Lead, Dr. Nancy Mackin (in collaboration with Host Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nations |

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Disease Monitoring

Provides resources about plant and animal disease monitoring, specifically chronic wasitng disease (CWD) and equine infectious anemia (EIA).

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Agriculture Branch | | 867-667-5838

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Cultivating Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Food Systems in the North: A Review and Recommendations

In 2018, Indigenous and Northern Affairs (now Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada), on behalf of the National Indigenous Economic Development Board, posted a call for a study on the current state of Northern Food Systems. The purpose of the study was to review existing literature on Northern Food Systems and to develop a series of recommendations for how the federal government could better support the development of sustainable and resilient food systems in the North. Responding to the call, Food Secure Canada put together a team of academic and community partners to undertake the research and produce a final report.

Following the completion of the project, the authors produced a Summary Report which synthesizes the key findings and recommendations from the study: Cultivating Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Food Systems in the North: A Review and Recommendations. The Summary Report provides an overview of the key challenges and opportunities facing Northern food systems, and outlines strategies to better position federal policies and programs to support the cultivation of more robust and sustainable food systems in the North.  

The report argues that any attempts to strengthen Northern food systems and address food insecurity must be rooted in community, enabled by Indigenous knowledge, and paired with Northern-focused economic development strategies. Every region has its own unique context and there is no “one size fits all” approach. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Research


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Amanda Wilson ( and Charles Levkoe (

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Community Development Fund

This department administers Student Hire, Yukon Nominee and other business support programs as well as supports community development related projects which might relate to food systems (some previously funded project included supporting the establishment of community gardens and funding food policy & gardening workshops)

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Economic Development Officer, Giselle Maisonneuve | Yukon Government (Economic Development Department) | | 867-667-8125 or toll free, 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8125

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Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program

his program funds climate change adaptation projects in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut.

The program works with Indigenous and northern communities, territorial and regional governments and other stakeholders to identify priorities for climate change adaptation in the North. The program provides support to northern communities and organizations to help them adapt to climate change impacts by funding the following types of projects:

  • vulnerability and risk assessment of climate change impacts

  • development of hazard maps and adaptation plans

  • development of adaptation options

  • implementation of non-structural and structural adaptation measures

Examples of non-structural include:

  • development of new bylaws for land management or community development plans that take into account climate change

  • revision of procedures for proper drainage, snow build-up removal along homes or roads

  • creation of a guide or best practices document related to climate change adaptation

Examples of structural measures include:

  • redesign, retrofit or upgrade of vulnerable or at-risk infrastructure assets (such as community building, community housing, and water and wastewater facilities) in areas affected by permafrost degradation

  • implementation of flood-proof standards for communities in flood risk areas

  • implementation of coastal erosion prevention measures for infrastructure at risk

Who can apply?

  • Indigenous and northern communities in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut

  • territorial and regional governments

  • Indigenous and northern organizations

  • academic organizations such as universities and colleges

  • non-governmental organizations

This program supports climate change adaption projects in the North. First Nation communities on reserve, south of the 60th parallel, looking for funding for climate change adaption projects should consult the First Nation Adapt Program.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Council of Yukon First Nations, Indigenous Liaison,

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Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program

This program is designed to build capacity for climate change adaptation by funding community-designed and driven projects. This program funds First Nations and Inuit communities’ efforts to build capacity to adapt to the health impacts of climate change.

There are two streams for the program:

  • Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program North

  • Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program South for First Nations South of 60°N

Supporting projects focusing on human health and a changing climate, the program enables communities to:

  • develop and implement health-related adaptation or action plans

  • develop knowledge-building and communication materials

  • support adaptation decision-making at the local, regional and national levels

Some of the areas of adaptation and research that past projects have examined include:

  • food security and access to country food

  • documentation of traditional medicines

  • engagement of Elders and youth

  • safety while on the land

  • impacts of extreme weather events

  • emergency preparedness

  • access to safe drinking water

  • impacts of climate change on women and mental health


  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks


  • Funding


  • Pan-Northern


  • Council of Yukon First Nations, Indigenous Liaison,

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Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CANOR)

CanNor has a dedicated team of professional staff across the three territories and works alongside its partners and stakeholders to foster northern economic development. Past support has included helping to build community gardens and greenhouses which act as economic initiatives for communities, including many other community development or business development projects.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding


  • Yukon-Wide | Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Economic Development Officer, Jillian MacIsaac | Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) Yukon Region | | 867-667-3313

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Canadian Agriculture Partnership (CAP) Program

CAP is a five-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector. Communities and entities can apply for grants related to food system projects/businesses/education/etc.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding


  • Yukon-Wide | Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Branch Administrator, Temesha Debler | Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch) | | 867-667-5272

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Bee Research Project

Research on what native bees are contributing to the pollination of local domestic berries.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Researcher, Maria Leung | 867-456-4900

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Beekeeping North of 60

Sharing ideas and approaches to beekeeping in the north. Anyone looking to share/buy/sell equipment. Review equipment & bee suppliers who can ship bee nucs or packages to the Yukon. Queen breeding, over wintering bees, etc... 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Informal Facebook Group

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Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research

The Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research (AICBR) works on a variety of different initiatives related to food security, food systems and food sovereignty doing research, advocacy and education. For example, AICBR works with communities to develop their own community food security strategies, taking a whole-of-community approach, focusing on youth to build knowledge and develop research and leadership skills; informs policy from a community-based perspective; develops educational materials and tools; facilitates and organizes workshops focusing on food systems, food sovereignty and food security , and contributes to a number of online webinars (in particular, AICBR co-hosts the Northern Food Network Webinar series) and network meetings (Food Network Yukon, Arctic Food Security and Nutrition Network, among others) which help to raise up northern voices on northern issues at federal and international levels.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Arctic Char Fish Silage Project

This project took liquefied Arctic Char slurry and through addition of acid produced fish silage. To determine if the silage could be used as an agricultural supplement, silage was assessed for nutritional content.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon College (Yukon Research Centre - Cold Climate Innovation)

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Apply for a Subsidy to Hire a Summer Student

The Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) and Summer Career Placement programs off wage subsidies to hire students.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding

  • Training



Host | Contact:

Government of Yukon | | 867-667-8555

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AgriDiversity Program

The AgriDiversity Program aims to help under-represented groups in Canadian agriculture, including youth, women, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities, to fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often face for sector participation.

The program will help to strengthen the sector and build its capacity by:

  • helping diverse groups to better develop their skills to take on a greater leadership role

  • building the entrepreneurial capacity and business skills of under-represented groups

  • facilitating the sharing of industry experience, best practices and knowledge to help under-represented groups to manage transformation and adapt to changes in business operations

  • strengthening the sector by incorporating the views of a greater diversity of industry players

If approved, support is available in the form of non-repayable contributions support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing

  • Training


  • National

Host | Contact:

AgPal - Online Program and Service Finder Tool for Agriculture

A web-based discovery tool to help producers and others in the agriculture and agri-business sector. Search the tool by region for services and programs related to growing, subsidizing the hiring of farmhands, getting veterinary help, applying for grazing land, and more!


  • Production and Harvesting

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture


  • Networking/Information Sharing

  • Training

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Funding


  • National


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Active Agriculture Land Applications

Provides information related to current agriculture & grazing land applications.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide


Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Agriculture Branch | | 867-667-5838

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