
Vision for a Food Secure Yukon

Outcomes from Yukon Food Security Roundtable (May 18 - 19th, 2016)


...ensuring the North can provide food for the North

"We believe in a food secure, food producing and food sharing Yukon where the land and the waters are harvested and protected. Through the wise use of resources, every person has dignified, affordable access to sufficient food to sustain a healthy, happy, and productive life. Yukon leaders and citizens work collaboratively to ensure food is generated by a robust network of local gardeners, farmers, hobby growers, hunters and fishers, businesses and advanced systems that preserve and distribute food."


To ensure the above vision is achieved, we believe in the value and importance of the following values and priorities (in order of highest to lowest ranking):


  1. Access for All
  2. Self Sufficiency
  3. Support for Local Food Producers
  4. Addressing Planning and Policy Development
  5. Encouraging Community Gardens and Greenhouses
  6. Reducing Waste
  7. Emphasizing Healthy Food
  8. Education and Training
  9. Promoting Quality Food Preparation, Preservation and Storage
  10. Collaborating to Share Food and Time
  11. Harvesting the Land
  12. Affordability
  13. Building Leadership Capacity
  14. Engaging Family
  15. Consideration of Promising Practices


The above vision and ranked priorities and values for a food secure Yukon were developed out of roundtable discussions during the Yukon Food Security Roundtable. Each person at the table answered the questions, what does food security look like for me and my family; my community; and my territory? These answers were then compiled, analyzed and synthesized into a vision statement and the above 15 values and priorities. Participants were then asked rank the 15 values/priorities into 1st, 2nd and 3rd most important to them. A total of 42 people voted. This meeting welcomed participation from 79 delegates from across the territory, including representation from 14 communities across Yukon and BC,, Indigenous and non-Indigenous government and non-government officials, non-profit sector, academics, food producers, and concerned citizens, as well as federal government and non-government representatives. 

A full summarized synthesis of the above priorities and values can be found here:

"Family and Community Food Security Leads to a Food Secure Territory"