AICBR's Newsletter is Back! (January 2015)

Meet AICBR's new logo.

Today, we are excited to unveil our revamped logo.  But it is more than just looks.

The root of our new identity is a reflection of our organization's inclusive community-based focus.  Blue, red, yellow, and green people are shown embracing one another symbolizing the need for everyone, indigenous and non-indigenous, to work together towards community-based solutions. 

As depicted in our logo, we prioritize community health and environment in all our research priorities. Check out the detailed story behind our original logo.

3...2...1... LAUNCH!

We launched our new website! Thanks to the efforts of Sygnifi and the staff of AICBR our new site is now live and better than ever. 

Ever wonder where you could find out about "healthy eating" or "active living" programs in Yukon or Northwest Territories? Look no further.  Our new website features two snazzy new maps (returning soon) with healthy living inventories for these two territories.  If you know of a healthy eating or active living program in your community that is not listed, we would love to hear from you.

AICBR's Norma Kassi gave a presentation on September 8, 2015 for the 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS) at the University of Vienna.  By telling her story, Norma told the story of the changes the Vuntut Gwitchin in Old Crow face due to climate change as well as the need to develop strategies to adapt to these changes.

About 66 Environment Canada employees gathered on August 20, 2015 to watch AICBR's "Our Changing Homelands, Our Changing Lives" film.  Norma Kassi teleconferenced into the meeting for a Q&A session after the group had watched the film.


Katelyn Friendship made AICBR proud this June by presenting on"Indigenous Community Food Security in Yukon Territory" as well as "Working Together to Achieve Healthier Lifestyles in Yukon and Northwest Territories' Communities"at the 16th International Congress on Circumpolar Health: Focus on Future Health and Wellbeing in Oulu, Finland. 

Katelyn was also busy making waves closer to home by presenting the project "Working Together to Achieve Healthier Lifestyles in Yukon and Northwest Territories' Communities" in Yellowknife and at Whitehorse's local SCOPE Lunch and Learn put on by Yukon Government this September.

Events and annoucements

  • A big thank you to Chris Thoreau from The Bauta Family Initiative for Canadian Seed Security for raising awareness across the territory on seed security between September 20-25, 2015.
  • Join AICBR at our AGM October 21, 2015 between 12:00-1:00pm at 308 Hanson
  • We are pumped to hire Jeanine O'Connell as our Communications and Research Coordinator as she completes her MSc in Epidemiology