Learn about a Healthy Eating or Active Living program near you!
Together with our partners through the Working Together to Achieve Healthier Lifestyles in Yukon and Northwest Territories’ Communities project, we have compiled information on Healthy Eating and Active Living programs in communities in both territories (information is from 2014 and will be updated to 2016). These maps will help program coordinators, recreation leaders, funders, and others, to access information about the healthy initiatives going on in their community. The purpose of this tool is to facilitate collaboration between organizations and others in order to work together to support healthier lifestyles across the North.
If you are interested in becoming more involved with the tool and adding information from your community, or exploring its potential, please contact us!
The Working Together to Achieve Healthier Lifestyles in Yukon and Northwest Territories’ Communities project involves identifying ways to support, promote and facilitate healthier lifestyles in communities, through the strengthening of partnerships between organizations, governments, and communities. We are particularly interested in sustainability and are working with others to understand the factors that contribute to maintaining lasting long-term outcomes in our communities. As lead and support for the project, AICBR is following a collective impact approach, working with those who share a common agenda, supporting mutually reinforcing activities, and facilitating continuous communication between partners.
Learn more about other initiatives that have been accomplished so far.
Katelyn Friendship, Co-Director, at NWT Association of Communities' Health Fair May 5th, 2016 showcasing the Inventory Map to municipal leaders across the Northwest Territories.
This project was funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Innovation Strategy (2013-2017).