Yukon Young Farmers

Yukon Young Farmers (YYF) was founded as a chapter of the Canadian Young Farmers Federation and as a committee of the Yukon Agricultural Association. YYF's vision statement is to encourage and empower young farmers and to create networks that foster sharing, education and help amongst farm families.  

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Young Farmers

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Yukon Farm Products and Services Guide

An online guide containing farm information, including search options for locating specific farm products and/or services.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • | admin@yukonag.ca | 867-668-6864

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Yukon Government's Agricultural Branch

The Agriculture Branch within the Government of Yukon is concerned with increasing the production in the Yukon and profitability and sustainability and can refer growers to resources and information about Yukon food systems; there are a number of reports and resources online as well.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Networking/Information Sharing

  • Funding


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch) | brad.barton@gov.yk.ca | 867-334-3126

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Yukon Biochar Project

In our research, biochar application was not found to increase yields of bromegrass, barley, kale, carrot or potatoes during the three year field trials. Biochar was found to inhibit potato yields and reduce their tol- erance to frost. Biochar was not found to affect soil nitrogen retention, however, it was found to increase tissue nitrogen in bromegrass. Biochar application altered the uptake characteristics of several nutrients and minerals as well, it changed some soil chemical characteristics.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Program Coordinator, Treharne Drury | Yukon Agricultural Association

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WWOOF Canada

WWOOF Canada is part of a worldwide movement linking volunteer farmhands with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange thereby helping to build a sustainable global community.  No experience is necessary, but some farms select applicants with experience. WWOOFer (visitor) Membership price at $50 CAD (single) or $75 CAD (joint) providing a display of your profile on the WWOOFer Listings and access to online Host Listings for 2 years.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • International

Host | Contact:

  • Coordinator, Becky Young | WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms Canada (WWOOF Canada) | admin@wwoof.ca | 250-999-7131

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Working Together Towards a Food Secure Yukon: Outcomes from Yukon Food Security Roundtable, An Evening on Food Security and Open House

The Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research (AICBR) hosted three food security events May 18th - 19th, 2016: a Yukon Food Security Roundtable (YFSR), An Evening on Food Security, and a Food Security Open House. The Yukon Food Security Roundtable was an opportunity for delegates from multiple sectors across the territory to come together to share current food security-related activities, identify factors that limit or facilitate food access and availability for Yukon residents, and to prioritize next steps. The roundtable welcomed participation from 79 delegates from across the territory, including representation from 16 Yukon communities, Indigenous and non-Indigenous government and non-government officials, non-profit sector, academics, food producers, and concerned citizens, as well as federal government and non-government representatives. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research | info@aicbr.ca

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Water and Agriculture in Canada: Towards Sustainable Management of Water Resources

The agricultural sector is an important contributor to Canada’s prosperity and well-being and there are substantial opportunities for the sector in the coming decades. However, Canadian agriculture is also challenged by water-related risks and uncertainties. Growing competition for water, land, and other resources, in addition to the uncertain impact of climate change and variability, will place increased stress on agricultural production in Canada and throughout the world. To better understand this complex issue, the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) was asked by Agriculture and Agri-Food to conduct an evidence-based assessment to identify what additional science is needed to better guide sustainable management of water to meet the needs of agriculture.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • National

Host | Contact:

  • Council of Canadian Academies

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Yukon Berry Growers Association

Founded in 2014, the Yukon Berry Growers Association is meant to promote, educate, and grow the berry industry in the Yukon.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Berry Growers Association

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Yukon Community Gardeners Forum

This Facebook group was created as a space to carry on networking from AICBR's Community Gardener Gatherings and to share tips, tricks, events, or other garden focused news so we as a community can work together to grow more! It is open to those who garden, who are interested in gardening, who want to get more involved in community gardening, or who are passionate about local food systems and building community through food!

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research | info@aicbr.ca

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Vuntut Gwitchin Climate Change and Health Research in Northern Yukon

This three-phase project was initiated by the Vuntut Gwitchin citizens in Old Crow, who invited the Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research to work with them in response to their concerns about changes to their traditional harvesting and hunting areas, and changes in the distribution and abundance of several traditional food species.  PHASE I: What do our changing homelands mean for our health?  PHASE II: Knowledge into Action  PHASE III: Community Action on Climate Change and Food Security Adaptation in Old Crow.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Research


  • Community-Level (Old Crow)

Host | Contact:

  • Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research | info@aicbr.ca

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Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Teaching and Working Farm

To benefit from educational and research capabilities, TH government partnered with Yukon College in 2016/17. Approx. 20 TH citizens are employed as farm workers during the growing season. This year-round farm produces a food for TH citizens and other community members including vegetables, pork, chicken, fruit and berries.  The farm sets up a weekly produce market in the summer. It plans to be self-sustaining by 2019.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Training

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation | admin@trondekfarm.ca | 867-993-3916

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Traditional Land Use Health Study

The community conducted nutritional testing on tomatoes produced to be made aware of the quality of their locally grown greenhouse foods. The nutritional test results proved that community-grown tomatoes are comparable in nutritional value and quality to market tomatoes. Carmacks-grown produce is better because fuel is not burned to import it and so greenhouse gasses are not created, unlike imported produce.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Community-Level

Host | Contact:

  • Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation | graystonconsulting@gmail.com

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Toward Food Security in Canada’s North

Canada’s Public Policy Forum is advancing the dialogue on one of the most important policy issues affecting people living in Northern Canada—food insecurity. The range of approaches –both within Canada’s Territories and Provinces, as well as in other northern nations with similar food insecurity issues – illustrate that there is no single best approach to solving food insecurity. Addressing the challenges within Canada will require a variety of initiatives, including support for country food, education programs, poverty alleviation measures and economic-development strategies.

Over the past year, Canada’s Public Policy Forum organized a series of round table discussions in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Ontario to identify current successes and remaining gaps in overcoming food insecurity in northern Canada, with a particular focus on the challenges confronting Aboriginal peoples. Bringing together leaders from communities, NGOs, Aboriginal organizations, and territorial, provincial and federal governments leaders, these multi-sector discussions have culminated in a final report that highlights positive developments, common challenges, and key recommendations shared by round table participants.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • The Public Policy Forum | info@ppforum.ca | 613-238-7858

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Summary of Regulatory Regime Governing the Sale of Meats, Eggs, Produce and Manufactured Foods in Yukon

This document reviews the following food products produced and sold in Yukon: Meat, Eggs, Produce (fruit and vegetables), Manufactured Food Products as well as provides information about labeling. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch)

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Strengthening Yukon Local Food: A Research Report

This report is both ‘stand-alone’ and as a step evolving a broader strategy to strengthen the resilience of the Yukon local food system and the food security of Yukoners. It provides some context, models and ideas for evolving the food system towards more sustainable, long-term solutions. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture

Resource Theme:

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Canadian Centre for Community Renewal with support from Fireweed Community Market Society

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Soil Testing

Understand what is going on under your feet - in your field, market garden, greenhouse or backyard vegetable patch - by getting your soil tested.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing

  • Research


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Government of Yukon (Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Agriculture Branch) | agriculture@gov.yk.ca | 867-667-5838

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Selling Local Food to Government

The Government of Yukon is committed to increasing its purchase and use of local food as described in the Local Food Strategy for Yukon. In order to facilitate sales between Yukon producers and the Government of Yukon purchasers, important information and key contacts have been compiled on their website.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Agricultural Association

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Reducing Transportation GHG Emissions in Canada, 2013

The Public Policy Forum has produced hundreds of reports since the organization’s inception in 1987. This year, the Forum convened public, private and non-profit sector stakeholders to discuss critical issues related to greenhouse gas reductions in Canada’s transportation sector. Through three roundtables in Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa, experts and stakeholders explored some of the most pressing issues, particularly those related to fuel switching and alternatives, vehicle technology advancements, and infrastructure and municipal planning. We also sought policy areas where potential consensus may exist.


  • Transportation


  • Research


  • National


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Recommendations on Northern Sustainable Food Systems

In February 2019, the National Indigenous Economic Development Board released a report outlining recommendations that address gaps in creating sustainable food systems in the North. These recommendations were gleaned from both internal and external research, including a Roundtable event held in Whitehorse (June 2018) to discuss Northern Sustainable food systems with Northerners.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy, Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Pan-Northern


  • National Indigenous Economic Development Board

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Our Food Security Today and Tomorrow in Carcross/Tagish First Nation

This work is part of a wider multi-year, community-based project to design and plan for a Yukon food system. Preliminary research was conducted in partnership with Carcross/Tagish First Nation to find out: What the CTFN food system looks like currently? Where do people get their food and what are the barriers they face in doing so? What concerns do CTFN citizens have about the future of their food system? What does CTFN want to see in their food secure future and what needs to happen to get there? 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Community-Level (Carcross)

Host | Contact:

  • Senior Manager, Tami Grantham | Carcross/Tagish First Nation (Heritage, Lands & Natural Resources) | tami.grantham@ctfn.ca

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