Nourishing Our Future: Community Food Sharing Project

The community sharing project was initiated in response to an action item identified in the food security strategy (2014) to increase traditional sharing practices with a focus on community-wide sharing of traditional foods, including sharing in the harvesting, preparing, and distributing of food. The community sharing project aimed to identify and raise awareness of the ways in which food sharing is already taking place in the community. It also sought to gather input from community members about how sharing practices could be strengthened. The output goals were to produce a written report summarizing the project team’s findings; and a short video highlighting the great work already taking place and what more community members would like to see done. 

Food System Theme:

  • Distribution and Exchange

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Community-Level (Burwash Landing)

Host | Contact:

  • Kluane First Nation and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Nourishing Our Future: An Adaptive Food Security Strategy to Ensure the Cultural and Physical Well-being of the Kluane First Nation Against the Impacts of Climate Change in the Yukon

This project employed both community-based research and Indigenous approaches to develop a food security strategy that was community-driven, action-oriented and based on community-identified questions and priorities.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Community-Level (Burwash Landing)

Host | Contact:

  • Kluane First Nation and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Nourishing Our Future: Building on Kluane First Nations Community Food Security Strategy and Youth Engagement in Traditions Related to Fisheries and Fish Health in Kluane Lake

Building on Kluane First Nations Community Food Security Strategy and Youth Engagement in Traditions Related to Fisheries and Fish Health in Kluane Lake

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research


  • Community-Level (Burwash Landing)

Host | Contact:

  • Kluane First Nation and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Northern Tutchone May Gathering

The May Gathering promotes awareness and responsibility as First Nations and others towards the role of stewardship of the land role and is an important part of the self-government process. Elders from the three Northern Tutchone First Nations, staff, and interested citizens meet to discuss the status of fish, wildlife and the land. The May Gathering is also a time to visit and enjoy traditional foods and entertainment. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Nation-Wide (Northern Tutchone communities - Carmacks (Little Salmon Carmacks), Pelly Crossing (Selkirk First Nation) and Mayo (First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun)

Host | Contact:

  • Little Salmon Carmacks, Selkirk First Nation and First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun

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Northern Input into a National Food Policy

AICBR and YAPC hosted and participated in multiple events in Whitehorse aimed at seeking input from Yukoners about the Canadian government's developing national food policy (A Food Policy for Canada). While the engagement period on the policy is complete, both organizations continue to be active in advocating for more northern-led solutions to food security and support for building more resilient northern food systems. 

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Local Food & Urban Agriculture Strategy

The City has been reviewing the input received during public engagement held throughout 2017 (interviews, surveys, and focus group sessions), to develop a draft of the City's Local Food & Urban Agriculture Strategy (LFUAS). The draft strategy is expected to be released for public review in 2018.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Community-Level (Whitehorse)

Host | Contact:

  • Planner, Erica Beasley | City of Whitehorse | | 867-668-8600

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Northern Food Network

The NFN a space for people working in and interested in northern food security to share, learn about best practices across the North and advance collective action on food security. AICBR and FSC co-facilitate webinars and teleconferences with focused presentations and discussion around four core themes: environment, health, agriculture, and food security. Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Local Food Strategy for Yukon

Local Food Strategy for Yukon follows two years of research and consultation with public, industry and First Nations stakeholders. The local food strategy sows the seeds for long-term development of the agriculture sector, enhanced food security and increased access to local food for Yukoners.While some of the initiatives are already underway, several different Yukon government departments will be working with industry, community groups and individuals over the next 5 years to implement the wide range of initiatives that are proposed.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch) | | 867-667-5838

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New Colony Farm Training

Education in repurposing food waste and simple food production to produce high yield micronutrient dense produce.

Food System Theme:

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture

Resource Theme:

  • Training


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Mr. Wayne Radford |

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Mt Lorne Community Teaching Garden and Kitchen

Community teaching garden with a full season of workshops on soil, seeds, growing, harvesting and then cooking and preserving in community kitchen. Summer gardeners market for 12 weeks, on-farm training classes, greenhouse tours and more. 

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Training


  • Community-Level (Marsh Lake)

Host | Contact:

  • Executive Director, Agnes Seitz | Lorne Mountain Community Association (LMCC) | | 867-667-7083

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Keeping Our Traditions for the Mental Wellbeing of Selkirk First Nations Youth: What Do We Do at the Fish Camp When There Are No Fish?

Many northern communities consider traditional practices as a pathway to mental health and wellness for First Nation youth. Built on previous Selkirk First Nation projects and funded by Health Canada, the focus was to find ways of keeping traditional Tutchone knowledge, practices and culture while adapting to the impacts of climate change. The Selkirk First Nation Climate Change Adaptation Plan was developed. A Fish Camp guide was created as a form of cultural preservation and to facilitate conversations around fish camp activities in relation to connecting the youth to the land as well as to enable sharing of traditional knowledge and skills traditionally taught at the fish camp.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Research


  • Community-Level (Pelly Crossing)

Host | Contact:

  • Selkirk First Nation and Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research |

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Introduction to Subarctic Permaculture Course

Learn how to grow healthy, nutritious food and increase biodiversity and food resilience by co-creating efficient, sustainable, organic gardens through working with natural patterns. Emphasis on practical plant growing tips for growing sustainably under sub-arctic conditions.

Food System Theme:

  • Production and Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Training


  • Community-Level (Marsh Lake)

Host | Contact:

  • Program Coordinator, Jennifer Harkes | Yukon College (Continuing Education Program) | | 867-668-8876

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InFARMation is a quarterly newsletter, produced by the Agriculture Branch. The newsletter covers a range of topics including department programs and services, local events, crop management, agricultural issues, research and demonstration crops.

Food System Theme:

  • Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Agriculture Branch | | 867-667-5838

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Indigenous Student Recruitment Initiative

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Indigenous Student Recruitment Initiative offers Indigenous students work experience that allows for personal growth while contributing to the goals of the Department. Working in a team environment, students can expand their knowledge and develop skills associated with science and other professions within the federal public service.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Funding

  • Training

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • National

Host | Contact:

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Indigenous Pathfinder Service

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is offering the Indigenous Pathfinder service - a one-stop shop for advice and referral to help navigate the relevant information, tools and support available to start or expand activities in the agriculture and agri-food sector. The service strives to ensure you do not miss out on support and other business opportunities available.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination/Policy/Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Networking/Information Sharing

  • Funding


  • National

Host | Contact:

  • Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada |

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Household Food Insecurity in Canada, 2014

PROOF publishes research on household food insecurity in Canada. Recent publications include an examination of the impact of Newfoundland and Labrador’s poverty reduction strategy, the link between food insecurity and health care costs, and the food insecurity in metropolitan areas. All reports/articles are available from PROOF’s website.

Food System Theme:

  • Consumption

Resource Theme(s):

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • National

Host | Contact:

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Grazing Program

To meet the grazing needs of Yukon livestock owners, the Government of Yukon grants grazing rights on designated areas of public land to eligible applicants. Grazing rights are given to the applicant in the form of a grazing agreement.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Government (Energy, Mines and Resources - Agriculture Branch)

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Good Medicine: Understanding and Adapting to the Effects of Climate Change on the Use of Traditional Medicine

Using the Northern Tutchone system of community engagement, stories about Traditional Medicines and past periods of climatic change were recorded. This began a body of research to help the community understand the importance of Traditional Medicine today. An action plan for sustaining Traditional Medicine practices through climate change was developed. Elders have sanctioned this plan, which includes the documentation of traditional medicine knowledge so that actions can be taken to address areas at risk and to identify sensitive gathering areas considered at risk. Posters were made of the Uncle's Retreat and Auntie's Retreat to help communicate accomplishments.

Food System Theme:

  • Production/Harvesting

Resource Theme:

  • Policy/Strategy

  • Research


  • Community-Level (Carmacks)

Host | Contact:

  • Council (Elder), Shirley Bellmore | Little Salmon Carmacks |

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Food Network Yukon

Food security continues to be an urgent topic for the Territory both in terms of emergency food provision and the need for a long-term strategy to address food insecurity and sovereignty across Yukon. In response, the YAPC began facilitating Let’s Talk About Food Security forums in 2012. These forums have evolved into the Food Network Yukon and are an opportunity for stakeholder groups and concerned citizens to network and exchange knowledge around food and food security. There is representation from YG, City of Whitehorse, NGOs, food retailers, food producers and food activists. The continuation of these forums has been made possible through the support of the Arctic Institute for Community Based Research.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Policy and Networks

Resource Theme(s):

  • Networking/Information Sharing


  • Yukon-Wide

Host | Contact:

  • Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition | | 867-334-9317

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Food Innovation in Canada’s North: The Case for a Social Enterprise Cluster

Action Canada Task Force conducted a preliminary study of the feasibility of an Arctic Food Innovation Cluster in Canada. The intent of such a cluster is to advance increased access to affordable, culturally informed, healthy food across northern regions. The cluster’s secondary objective is to foster further innovations within the North’s commercial food production industry via new food production methods (e.g., full utilization of harvested fish), value chains, and/or governance models. This would, in turn, boost local economic development opportunities within these northern communities.

Food System Theme:

  • Food System Coordination, Networking and Policy

Resource Theme:

  • Research

  • Policy/Strategy


  • Pan-Northern

Host | Contact:

  • Action Canada

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